A Hayekian strategy to implement free market reforms

Jesús Huerta de Soto
Professor of Political Economy
King Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain

In his long life battle for liberty in the field of ideas, F.A. Hayek never forgot the great importance of following an effective and consistent strategy to implement free market reforms. Now, we also need to continue and improve Hayek’s insights and leadership in this practical effort if we want to see the success of libertarian ideals in the future. Is with this goal in the mind that the present paper has been written.


1. Reasons usually alleged for considering free market reforms politically impossible

2. Historical examples which refute pessimism

3. The three levels of action required by the reforms: theoretical, historical and ethical

4. Actions in the theoretical field

5. Actions in the ethical field

6. Actions at a historical level

7. The role of the politician in the libertarian reform

8. How much should politicians lie?

9. Conclusion


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